We’ve been busy behind the scenes, thinking introverted thoughts (quietly, of course) and having an absolute whale of a time building our new ChatBot feature.
It can operate in a multitude of ways:
1 Single-question, single-probe
2. Single question, double probe
3. Two questions, each probed twice, separate conversations
4. Two questions, each probed twice, one conversation
5. Single question, two probes, example research objective "Understand what frustrates people when buying concert tickets and how this is different from the past".
We’re really excited about the ChatBot (not a sentence you probably thought you’d be hearing today) as it encourages respondents to answer open questions less rigidly than conventional open questions.
So how does it work? In the same way that a customer service ChatBot responds intuitively to customer questions, ours reacts to answers in a way that conventional closed questions can't.
It uses AI, but it also has parameters. If a respondent mentions a topic that we're particularly interested in we can tell it to explore that further. Similarly, if there’s a topic we’re not interested in exploring further (i.e ticket prices) we can program it to not follow up on those answers.
It’s more fun and engaging for respondents to answer and it helps us to gather really interesting insights.
Here are a couple of examples of it working in action:
Single-question, single-probe
Single question, double probe
Two questions, each probed twice, separate conversations
The ChatBot is now live and ready to use in your surveys, so if you fancy giving it a go, send our Benevolent Overlord (Brian) a message (brian@omnisis.co.uk). Enjoy!